Welcome to Early Head Start

ICS EHS Program provides early education and developmentally appropriate activities and instruction for children ages birth to 3 years and pregnant women in eight (8) counties. Our services are child & family focused and have the overall goal of increasing the School Readiness of young children in low income families. All our services are center based and comprehensive. Children attend our program five (5) days a week in a safe, nurturing learning environment. Activities and routines address approaches to learning, social and emotional development, language and literacy, cognition, and perceptual motor and physical development domains. Learning experiences are within the context of children cultures and community.
Early Head Start is committed to protecting and strengthening the bond between parents and children. We support parents as the primary educator of their child while providing continuity of care in our program. This helps children build strong relationships which are critical for their social and intellectual development. Today we know more than ever about how your children develop and how to support early learning. The first few years are critical to lifelong learning. The earliest experiences and environments set the stage for development and success in school and life. Positive experiences influence brain development and establish the neural connections that provide the foundation for language reasoning, problem solving, social skills, behavior, and emotional health. A child’s “readiness” for learning requires support from families, schools and communities. We understand that School Readiness is the preparedness of young children to enter school ready to learn and succeed.
Karen Manning, M.Ed., Early Head Start Director